
——合肥房天下二手房独家对话21世纪不动产中华区总裁比尔 亨特先生

合肥房天下二手房  作者:张超群 吴均  2008-08-07 10:52

[摘要] 比尔 亨特是一个传奇人物。出生于美国房地产世家,在不动产行业有着四十多年的丰富经验,在21世纪不动产,他是唯一位有着14年海外经验的元老级人物。

人物介绍:比尔 亨特是一个传奇人物。出生于美国房地产世家,在不动产行业有着四十多年的丰富经验,在21世纪不动产,他是位有着14年海外经验的元老级人物。他于2001年底来中国,任21世纪不动产(以下简称21世纪)中国区总裁。之后7年,21世纪在中国高速发展,现在已经达到拥有1500家特许经营店的数量。这一切,比尔 亨特先生功不可没。2008年8月6日在21世纪合肥区域运营发布会上,记者有幸通过21世纪合肥分特许经营商 “华光置业 ”渠道采访到亨特先生。下面就让记者和大家一起分享亨特先生的风采。

The view:

Following it.Well,Then the rest of the time,almost 18 years. I’ve lived internationally!

If you drop water drop into the water,that make an initial flash we did.Today,it’s going on from there,the waves is bigger and bigger.we will have more people,more officers.

Someboday said ‘I have a lot of money ’ I said:oh, no .it has no relationship with money,you’ll have to have the belief.

We were not selling a proudct,we are selling a service.


Century21:The Secret of Success Based on Franchise 

Soufun Co, Ltd: Hello,Mr Hunt.Welcome to Hefei!


Bill Hunt:Hello!Thank you!

比尔 亨特先生:你好。谢谢!

Soufun Co, Ltd:I’m the jourlist from soufun Co,Ltd.


Bill Hunt :Em~~~ Soufun, I know!

比尔 亨特先生:嗯!!房天下,我知道!

Soufun Co, Ltd:It’s my honor talking to you!We have interviewed you by our Beijing branch company.Now I have a question for yourself.


Bill Hunt :Your English is very good!

比尔 亨特先生:你的英语很棒!

Soufun Co, Ltd:Thank you!As you have mentioned,for the past 30 years,you have devoted yourself working in Century 21.I’m wondering, I’m curious.where comes your passion and enthusiam,why do you choose this job and insist on it for such a long time?


Bill Hunt :Well, In the first half,because I was running my own businesses and having a store of franchise behind me,maybe more successful.For example, I was able to grow from our 12 sales people to 120 sales people in 2 years asing the Century 21 system..

比尔 亨特先生:在我的职业生涯中,我的前半生激情,来源于我自己。曾经在美国,我自己也拥有一家不动产店,但是因为在培训方面遇到瓶颈问题,选择了加盟21世纪不动产,在加入它之后,我的门店在2年内由12名员工扩充到120名。从选择了21世纪伊始到现在,我经营21世纪不动产的东西,比我自己经营的门店更加成功。

Soufun Co, Ltd:You are just using Century 21?

Bill Hunt :Following it.Well,Then the rest of the time,almost 18 years. I’ve lived internationally!
比尔 亨特先生:是跟随!在我的后18年职业生涯中,我穿梭于世界各地经营着21世纪的业务。

Soufun Co, Ltd:You grow together.

Bill Hunt :So now I’m having the opportunity to bring Century 21 to the world, that’s exciting!
比尔 亨特先生:因此,当我有机会把21世纪这个品牌带往全世界时,我非常的兴奋。

Soufun Co, Ltd:This is my second question.I know,there is an important word in Century 21----franchise and you have brought it to Australia, Venezuela, Indonesia, China and other international regions,but for people here in Hefei,they are not familiar with this cocept.so, could you give us an brief introduction of this word?

 Bill Hunt :Franchise is a very simple system to bring a brand, operating systems and support into the market place.Now we know and work it well. Because in material market, Such as US and Europe,45%of all goods and servises are delived to a franchise system. Today in China,there are more franchise operation than any other areas in the world.So franchise as a concept,have been well-spread in china.
比尔 亨特先生:特许经营这种模式是一种非常容易将品牌带入市场的体系,寻找合作伙伴也相对容易。现在我们对它有全面的理解,并将它运作的很好。因为在材料市场,比如美国和欧洲,45%的货物和服务都是由特许经营店来操作。而在今天的中国,它的特许经营店比在世界其它任何地区的特许经营店都要多。所以“特许经营”这个概念,在中国其实已经广泛的传播开来了。

Soufun Co, Ltd:Like Mcdonld?

Bill Hunt :Yes, Mcdonld KFC,but in their early days they were like a brandchise,they didn’t have an operate. Resently,they have done that! We were the first service franchise to entering China in 2000. We were not selling a proudct,we are selling a service.It must hve three element s:brand operating systems and support. Our aim was to introduce the brand , the system. to adapt and localize.Fisrt we intorudce alll of the system,like traning,recruiting ,management, technology, all of it to China,and then to hire good professional staff to help support all of our regions, all of our brokers.
比尔 亨特先生:是的,麦当劳 肯德基 但是在早期,他们更像一个品牌分销或者是直营店。并没有具体的特许经营实施方案,只是到近期,他们才开始做具体的特许经营操作。因为特许经营必须具备这三个要素:品牌 经营模式和渠道支持。2000年,我们是家进入中国服务的特许经营商。首先我要声明:我们不是在卖产品,是在卖服务。再者,我们需要做的重要工作之一是:将外来品牌本土化,以更适应当地的市场。每进入一个区域之前,所有的系统,例如培训 招聘 管理 技术 我们都在力求更适合当地的市场。之后,我们开始雇佣一些当地的职员来帮助此区域的加盟店。

 Soufun Co, Ltd:In addition,People here in Hefei are not familiar with Century 21 .As well,so,in deed,what can you provide to the customers. Both to the buyers and the sellers?

Bill Hunt :That’s the same question that we had in the 32 other regions.Because nobody has ever heard about Century 21,and so ,we can using our franchising model very quickly.We can introduce the concept of franchising in local real estate.That one who use Century 21 ,will get suprising service.You’ll have a group you can trust that they wiil do what the say. They are honest,they can protect you if they had bills.A lot of staff we just did it today. A lot of public sense we’re now starting it.And the next few day,I’ll try my best to do it.
比尔 亨特先生:这个也是我们在其它32个区域所遇到的问题,只为没有人听说过21世纪。但是,我们也正可以快速运用特许经营的模式,将特许经营这个概念带到此区域的地产界。

Soufun Co, Ltd:Let the crowds know us better?

Bill Hunt :Sure,if you drop water drop into the water,that make an initial flash we did.Today,it’s going on from there,the waves is bigger and bigger.we will have more people,more officers.
比尔 亨特先生:很对!公众对品牌的认识度,正如将一滴水滴进大海中。(那滴水所荡起的涟漪是越来越大的,从最初的一个水花变成一个巨大的波浪。这正是我们今天在这里召开新闻发布会的目的之一)波浪越来越大,员工越来越多。

Soufun Co, Ltd:Could you give us some comment on your new partner?

Bill Hunt :In Hefei?Yes, they are well-reputable,very strong..
比尔 亨特先生:合肥的伙伴?好的,他们有很好的名声,实力很雄厚。

Soufun Co, Ltd:what do you emphasize when you choose a brokers?

Bill Hunt :Money,but ont only the money.It’s a share-vision.Will to built a strong system,will to share the vision in the market.Someboday said ‘I have a lot of money ’ I said:oh, no .it has no relationship with money,you’ll have to have the belief.
比尔 亨特先生:资金很重要,但决不是最关键的,关键是分享远景。是一种有意向合伙建立强大体系的意愿。

Soufun Co, Ltd:I think,as you said,you provide international brand, international management.When you are choosing a partner, a broker.the most important thing is that they know better of the market in a centain region.

Bill Hunt :Yes.Localize!
比尔 亨特先生:是的,本土化。

小编后记:在笔者问到亨特先生选择加盟商有什么要求时,亨特先生开玩笑的谈到,其实选择加盟商就像一个丈夫选择妻子那样,总会有一些要求 比如要妻子会画画 会唱歌 会打扮 会洗衣服 会做饭。然后笔者问,那可不可以理解为您是一个丈夫,拥有很多的妻子。(亨特先生在华有1500个特许经营店)比尔诡异的笑道;很多 很多。还对笔者说,这是个秘密哦!所在英文版本中,这段后记就被雪藏了!随后,比尔谈到中国,谈到北京,很有感情的用中文说道:“我爱中国,我是北京人。”反复几次!是的,在华7年,他与中国这份深厚的友谊,也成为他最友善的名片之一。





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